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Family Law and Divorce

Our Family Lawyers are some of the most trusted divorce and Family Lawyers in Adelaide. Our Family Lawyers have the expertise required to deliver family law advice to you with compassion, helping you resolve your Family Law matter as efficiently as possible, including:


  • Family Law Property Settlement;

  • Divorce Applications;

  • Pre-Nuptial Agreements; and

  • Family Law Mediation.

Family Law Property Settlement

Family Law property settlement refers to the process of dividing the property and assets of a couple after the breakdown of their relationship. This includes both financial and non-financial assets, such as real estate, personal property, investments, and superannuation (retirement savings). 


Initiate Lawyers can provide family law advice, representation and guidance in Adelaide to ensure you receive a fair outcome.


Divorce Applications

In Australia, the process for applying for a Divorce is governed by the Family Law Act 1975. In order to be eligible for a Divorce, you must meet certain criteria.


If you meet these criteria, you can apply for a divorce. Initiate Lawyers can draft the Divorce Application documents required and represent you in your Divorce Application in Adelaide.


It is important to note that family law property settlement and arrangements for children should be finalized before a Divorce is granted. If you have not reached an agreement on these issues, your should seek legal advice from us at an early stage.


Family Law Mediation 

Family Mediation is a form of alternate dispute resolution and can be required before commencing Family Court Proceedings.


Our Family Lawyers are focused on finding solutions that are fair, practical, and in the best interests of the child, and on helping parties to resolve disputes in a way that is respectful, cooperative, and avoids costly and time-consuming litigation wherever possible. Initiate Lawyers Family Mediation services are well regarded in Adelaide.


Pre-Nuptial and Binding Financial Agreements

Initiate Lawyers are experienced in careful and protective drafting of Pre-Nuptial Agreements and Binding Financial Agreements (a "BFA") both before commencement of marriage or before a de-facto relationship.


The Binding Financial Agreement drafted for you by Initiate Lawyers in Adelaide will define how assets are to be divided in the event of a breakdown of a relationship or marriage, helping to minimize the risk of a poor outcome in Family Law property settlement proceedings.

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